Summer Cup Rules and Information
• Bring team tents and benches.
• Bring Veo Cameras to record games.
• Bring both sets of uniforms.
• All players must wear black shorts and socks.
• Teams will wear: Blue jersey (Home) or Black jersey (Away). Old jerseys are fine if players didn’t receive their new jerseys.
• GK should wear black shorts and black socks and bring their training top and jerseys as well.
• Games will be 20 minutes (2 x 10 minutes)

• Be respectful and supportive. 
• No coaching your kids or giving sideline instructions. (We will remove player from the field if parents are coaching their kids).
• This event is to allow the kids to enjoy the games and play with their friends. 

• Bring your items around 11am.
• No cooking or heating items at the complex.

Cat 1 – B16 | G15 
• Games will be 3v3 or 4v4

Cat 2 | 3 | 4
• Games will be 5v5.

SUMMER CUP - B16 | G15

CAT 1 - B16 | G15


CAT 1 - B16 | G15 Games

DateHomeTime/ResultsAwayLeagueGroundMatch Day
Winter Cup
Field 1
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 2
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 3
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 4
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 5
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 6
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 1
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 2
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 3
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 4
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 5
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 6
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 1
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 2
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 3
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 4
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 5
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 6
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 3
Winter Cup
Field 4
Winter Cup
Field 1
Winter Cup
Field 2
Winter Cup
Field 5
Winter Cup
Field 6
Winter Cup
Final Stadium
Winter Cup
Final Stadium
Winter Cup
Final Stadium
SUMMER CUP - B15 | B14 | B13

CAT 2A - B15 | B13 | B14


CAT 2B - B15 | B13 | B14


CAT 2 - B15 | B13 | B14

DateHomeTime/ResultsAwayLeagueGroundMatch Day
Winter Cup
Field 1
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 2
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 3
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 4
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 5
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 6
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 1
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 2
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 3
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 4
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 5
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 6
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 1
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 2
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 3
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 4
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 5
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 6
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 3
Winter Cup
Field 4
Winter Cup
Field 1
Winter Cup
Field 2
Winter Cup
Field 5
Winter Cup
Field 6
Winter Cup
Final Stadium
Winter Cup
Final Stadium
Winter Cup
Final Stadium
SUMMER CUP - B12 | B11 | G10

CAT 3 - B12 | B11 | G10


CAT 3 - B12 | B11 | G10

DateHomeTime/ResultsAwayLeagueGroundMatch Day
Winter Cup
Field 1
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 2
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 3
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 4
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 5
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 6
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 1
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 2
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 3
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 4
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 5
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 6
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 1
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 2
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 3
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 4
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 5
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 6
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 3
Winter Cup
Field 4
Winter Cup
Field 1
Winter Cup
Field 2
Winter Cup
Field 5
Winter Cup
Field 6
Winter Cup
Final Stadium
Winter Cup
Final Stadium
Winter Cup
Final Stadium
SUMMER CUP - B10 | BG09 | B08 | BG07

CAT 4A - B10 | B09 | G09 | B08 | B07 | G07


CAT 4B - B10 | B09 | G09 | B08 | B07 | G07


CAT 4 - B10 | B09 | G09 | B08 | B07 | G07

DateHomeTime/ResultsAwayLeagueGroundMatch Day
Winter Cup
Field 1
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 2
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 3
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 4
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 5
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 6
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 1
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 2
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 3
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 4
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 5
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 6
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 1
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 2
Group 1
Winter Cup
Field 3
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 4
Group 2
Winter Cup
Field 5
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 6
Group 3
Winter Cup
Field 3
Winter Cup
Field 4
Winter Cup
Field 1
Winter Cup
Field 2
Winter Cup
Field 5
Winter Cup
Field 6
Winter Cup
Final Stadium
Winter Cup
Final Stadium
Winter Cup
Final Stadium

• 3 points for a win, 1 for a tie and 0 for a loss. 
• Offside Rules: There is no Offside in 5v5 Soccer.
• Touchline (Sideline) Restarts: In place of throw-ins will be kick-ins OR a dribble in with the ball placed stationary on the touchline. A player may not directly kick a ball into the goal from its stationary restart position. A player may also dribble the ball into play and after the ball makes a full rotation may then be kicked into the goal.
• Penalty Kick: PKs will be taken from the top of the arch or 7 yards from the goal. Physical fouls will result in direct free kicks, all others are indirect. Players on the defending team must remain a minimum of 5 yards from the kick.
• Goal Kick: Any time a Goal Kick is required, the goalkeeper will execute a Goal Clearance (ball must leave the Penalty Arc). The goalkeeper will start with the ball in their hands and may either (1) Throw the ball, (2) Put the ball down and pass/kick, (3) put the ball down and dribble out of the Penalty Arc. Once the ball has been put down, the ball is effectively “live”. The Goalkeeper has 4 seconds to execute the goal clearance. Failure to execute the Goal Clearance within 4 seconds will result in an Indirect kick at the top of the arc for the opposition. A goal may not be scored directly from a goal clearance. Once the ball is OUTSIDE the Penalty Arc, a goal may be scored from anywhere on the field. The ball may not be punted or drop-kicked.
• Goalkeeping: During the run of play when the ball is in the hands of the goalkeeper, it may be thrown anywhere or dropped and dribbled inside or outside the penalty area but cannot be drop-kicked or punted. The ball must leave the goalkeeper’s penalty arc within four seconds or it’s an indirect free kick from the top of the arc. A Goalkeeper may not Throw the ball directly into an opponent’s goal. Players may not initiate contact with the goalkeeper at any time while they are in the Penalty Arc. Infractions will result in a yellow card. A goalkeeper outside of the Penalty Arc is to be treated as a field player.
• Playoff Game Tiebreakers: Tied Finals or Semifinals will, after a one-minute break, go directly to a 3-minute golden goal period. If the score is still tied at the end of this period, the winner will be decided by a shootout with the 5 players on the field at the end of the golden goal period.